Dehydration poses a real risk to workers in physically demanding industries like construction, manufacturing, farming, firefighting, emergency response, transportation, and many more. DripDrop relieves dehydration, helping workers avoid job site accidents and lost wages.
Shop NowResearch shows that just 1% loss of fluid can decrease a worker’s productivity by 12%.
DripDrop provides 34% greater fluid retention after exertion than water alone.
DripDrop is 20% more effective than sports drinks in aiding fluid retention after exercise in the heat.
“I'm a union steelworker and it gets ridiculously hot where I work. I drink this before, during, and after so I stay hydrated and it's amazing. Tastes better and works faster than other drinks I've tried.”
“I do commercial refrigeration in 115° temperatures. DripDrop does a great job when you start feeling the effects of dehydration. It works quickly so you can keep concentrating on the job. I highly recommend this to anyone looking for a great product to stay hydrated and prevent heat related injuries.”
"I work with a lot of dust and heavy equipment. Even wearing a mask doesn't stop the job from drying me out. DripDrop is better than any sports drink on the shelf. And definitely better than getting hooked to an IV."
A drop in blood volume causes your heart to work harder, causing fatigue.
When your blood pressure drops, less blood flow to your head causes dizziness.
Dehydration causes brain cells to shrink, which can impair mental clarity.
Fluid and electrolyte loss can cause muscles to spasm when dehydrated.